Final Elements of Video



Clipboard -
Wooden Aeroplane 
Pen -
Walking stick
Rocking Horse


An aristocratic man who owns a very large house
Young boy


Evie Holness - the journalist
Michael Holness - the house owner
Herbie Holness - the young boy 

We chose Evie to be the journalist in our film opening because she is related to Mike and Herbie and therefore they all worked well together. It was also convenient to use Evie because she would be coming to Voewood anyway and therefore we would not have had tp provide transport for anyone else. Evie worked well as the character because she’s very confident and is able to adapt her personality well to fit the character. 

We chose Michael to be the house owner partly for convenience because of the situation with the location availability. Another reason we chose Mike for this role is because he has done acting before so was easily able to fit the character he was given. 

We chose Herbie to be the young boy (Mikes nephew) because he again has a lot of experience in acting and he was played the main character in our practice video and we were really happy with his performance and the outcome so we wanted to involve him in this too.

Film Location

The location we are using for our opening two minute of a film is Voewood. Voewood is a very large country house. It’s an arts deco house that is filled with bizarre objects. This made it perfect for filming our movie in because it came across as eccentric which suited the character mike played.  We also chose this location as Evie’s mum works at the house and was able to give us the connections to be able to use the house for our film opening. 

Filming Schedule

We are planning to film on the 20th December during the Christmas holidays as it has been a hard task managing to find a time when we are al able to get there. Also Voewood often gets hired out for the night and Christmas is a busy period for this so its been hard to find a date where the house is free and we are all able to get there.

Final Script

Evie: Hi, I’m Evie I’m the journalist who’s come to look round for BBC reports
Evie: So, is there much you can say about Voewood?
Mike: Bugger all, actually?
Herbie: *Aeroplane noise*
Evie: So how many of you are there that live here?
Mike: Just the two of us.
Evie: So what was one of Voewood’s purposes?
Mike: It was a school for a long time.
Evie: Why is it no longer a school?
Mike: There was an incident that meant it got closed down.
Evie: Why? Sorry, if you don’t mind me asking.
Mike: A young lad died.
Evie: Oh and what’s it used for now?
Mike: It’s just my home.
Evie: Just you and… you’re son?
Mike: My nephew, yes, just the two of us.
Evie: So what’s your name?
Mike: His names Jack, he doesn’t talk much.
Evie: Oh so what’s in here?
Mike: Nobodies allowed in here.

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